Our Stalwarts

We are grateful to God for the valuable services rendered by the following Stalwarts. A citation is placed on the notice board and 2 minutes of silence is observed in the School on their Death Anniversaries.

Prof. Samuel Victor, M.Sc.,D.C.E.,D.A.H.E. (USA) (1933-1989)

We recall with a deep sense of gratitude the memories of the life and contribution of our Director, J. Sikile Management Centre, Late Prof. S. Victor, M.Sc.,D.C.E.,DAHE. (U.S.A.) who passed away on 13th December 1989. Prof S. Victor was an academician, intellect, able administrator, and a rare statesman. He was born on 19th August 1933 and completed his post-graduation in Physics with Electronics as a special subject.


  1. Diploma in continuing Education.
  2. Diploma in American Higher Education (University of Illinois, U.S.A.)
  3. Diploma in guidance and councilling (University of Illionois, U.S.A.)


  1. Jamal Mohd. College, Trichy — 19 Years
  2. T.P.M.L. College, Poroyar — 15 Years
  3. Director, J. Sikile Management Centre — 04 Years
  4. As a Demonstrator — 05 Years
  5. As Asst. Professor — 09 Years
  6. As U.G. Professor — 05 Years
  7. As Principal and P.G. Professor — 15 Years


  1. Member of the Senate, Academic Council, Madras, and Bharathidasan University.
  2. Member of the Standing Committee of Academic Council, Madras University.
  3. Member of the Principals Committee – 2 terms. (Nominated by the syndicate of the Madras University).
  4. Member of Board of studies – U.G. & P.G. – Madras and Bharathidasan University.
  5. Member of Board of Examiners – U.G. & P.G. – Madras and Bharathidasan Universities.
  6. Member of the Board of Higher Secondary Education. (Nominated by Tamil Nadu Government).


  1. T.B.M.L. College, Poroyar.
  2. Bishop Herber College, Trichy (Autonomous College).
  3. Meston Training College, Madras.
  4. Lady Doak College, Madurai (Autonomous College).
  5. Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Madurai
  6. United Theological College, Bangalore.


U.S.A., West Germany, Sweden, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma and Thailand.

  • He served in different capacities in various Social Organisations and sports bodies. He was an enthusiastic Cricketer and enjoyed witnessing National and International matches.
  • After his voluntary retirement at T.B.M.L. College, Poroyar he joined as Director of J. Sikile Management Centre in the year 1986. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly in developing the computer centre. He gained mastery over the subject and was an immensely popular professor. Furthermore, he promoted cordial student relationships, leading to a conducive healthy, harmonious campus.
  • He laid the Foundation to commence B.Sc. Computer Science course and was actively involved in dealing with the concerned department Heads of Andhra University. Andhra University did not then finalize the framing of the syllabus for computer science. He proposed a syllabus taking guidance from Bharatidasan University.
    – Inspite of all his laudable achievements he was a man of simplicity and adhered to a set
    of principles and standards. He exercised commendable patience while teaching and
    made sure that each student comprehended the topic well and encouraged equally the
    slow learners and the intelligent students.
  • The Board of Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation and the Boards of Management of J. Sikile School and College are indeed grateful to the contributions of Prof. S. Victor who strode like a colossus during his brief span of four years until the end come following a massive heart attack at Chennai on 13th December 1989.
  • Our sincere thanks to his three (3) sons, two (2) daughters and especially to his wife Mrs. Dorris Victor who lives at Pondicherry, for the valuable services rendered by him.
  • His principled, accomplished life, his dominant traits of courage, integrity, morality in public life and deep faith in God have left an indelible mark, and we can proudly say that there are only a few of his likes.
  • J. Sikile College is the child of his long awaited dream and vision. His favourite Hymn “Safe in the arms of Jesus” no doubt has left footprints in the sands of time for many to follow.
  • We uphold Mrs. Dorris Victor and Members of his family in our prayers to God to give them
    continued grace, comfort, courage, strength and good health.
Prof. Samuel Victor

Dr. T. John Ratnam, D.D., (1906-1994)

 It is with a deep sense of gratitude that we recall the memories of the life and contribution of our former Chairman, Late Dr. T. John Ratnam, D.D., who passed away on 11.07.94. 

  • Dr. T. John Ratnam was born on 29th October 1906 at Tenali, Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. He had his High School and College Education in Guntur. 
  • He worked as a Senior Co-operative Inspector in the then Madras Government for 20 years. 
  • He resigned from his job in 1953 and joined the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (AELC) as a Stewardship Secretary and worked until 1965. 
  • Later on in the year 1966, he was appointed as the Executive Secretary of Andhra Pradesh Christian Council (APCC) and worked in that position until 30.09.78. 
  • He enjoyed the unique honor of being elected twice as the Member of the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (AELC) Executive Committee. 
  • He also served as the Chairman of the Board of Collegiate Education for two terms and as a Member of the Senate of Andhra University for a period of three years 1969-72. 
  • He had been abroad thrice as a delegate from India and also was elected as a Member of the Commission on Stewardship and congregational life of Lutheran World Federation in Germany for five years 1952-57. 
  • He also wrote several books on Christian Stewardship and other subjects. 
  • He was honoured as a member of the Peace Committee and in recognition of his services to the Public, the Narsapur Municipality had named a street in the town as “JOHN RATNAM STREET”. 
  • He was honoured with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) by the Indian Theological Academy and Church Administration on 24th July 1993 at Gurukul Theological and Research Institution, Madras. 
  • He celebrated his 60th Wedding Anniversary on 09.07.94 at his residence at Narsapur with all his children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives. 
  • He passed away on 11.07.94 at 05:15 A.M. 
  • We are privileged that Dr. T. John Ratnam was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation from its inception and through his philosophical acumen and congenial disposition, the Management of J. Sikile School has earned a place of respect, honour, and dignity. 
  • His mature and balanced advice was always sought after by the Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation and the Management of the School. 
  • He was a man of integrity and as the Chairman of the Board, he had given his unique leadership and served us so well during the past few years which, we reckon, have been the years of growth, challenge, and progress. 
  • His deep understanding and his ability to move among the people as a friend, philosopher, theologian, and guide had given him an unrivalled affection among his circle of friends and associates.  
  • He served the people with zeal and vitality and had been ever ready to render whatever service he could.
  • He was a man who did not rest until he had accomplished the task that he had in his mind. 
  • He had increasingly dedicated his life to the service of the Church and to humanity at large. Furthermore, he had so widely read in the field of Stewardship and theology. 
  • His labors in Stewardship, including the writing of a number of books, had been a permanent and lasting contribution. 
  • We praise God for his life as a devoted man of God whose work and memory will be a perpetual inspiration for all those who know him and all his associates, friends, and relatives in particular. 
  • On behalf of the Board of Trustees, J. Sikile Foundation, and the Boards of Management of J. Sikile School faculty and students, we express our deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to all his family members. We always cherish the pleasant memories and services of our beloved Dr. T. John Ratnam and his wife. 

Mr. V.S. Prakasham, M.A., (1931-1997)

 Late Mr. V.S. Prakasham was born on 28.03.1931. He hailed from Narsapur, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. He married Mrs. Indira Prakasham daughter of late Dr. T. John Ratnam, D.D., of the same town, Narsapur, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh on 16.06.1961. 

  • He studied at Presidency College, Chennai, and obtained his Master’s Degree (M.A.) in Mathematics. He worked as a Technical Manager in M/s. Dunlop (India) Ltd., Chennai for nearly 35 years and retired in the year 1995. 
  • We are proud to say that Late Mr. V.S. Prakasham was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation, w.e.f. 11.07.1994. 
  • Late Mr. V.S. Prakasham was a man full of Cheerfulness and of new ideas. He was a man of discipline and creative leadership, and his counsel had been a source of inspiration to all concerned. 
  • Mr. V.S. Prakasham died on 21.08.1997. 
  • On behalf of the Board of Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation and the Management of J. Sikile School, faculty, and students, we express with a deep sense of gratitude, our sincere thanks to all his family members and especially to Mrs. Indira Prakasham for the valuable services rendered by Late Mr.V.S. Prakasham to this Institution. 

Dr. Mrs. P. Margaret Mudaliar, M.A.,Ph.D.(1929- 1998)

Dr. Mrs. P. Margaret Mudaliar was the Chairperson of J. Sikile School from 1997 to 1998 and had guided the institution with her rich experience as the Principal of Bains School, Kilpauk, and as Correspondent of five CSI Schools in Chennai. 

  • She is a Post Graduate in English, Geography and also had a Master’s Degree in Indian Music. She laboured tirelessly to impart value-based education and was a counselor, friend, and guide to staff and students. 
  • She was selected for the Best Teacher’s Award in the year 1988 by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu and was given a “Doctorate in Education” from Canada in recognition of her meritorious service in the field of Education. 
  • She loved nature, and gardening, and gloried God in all her works. 
  • We thank God for the Services rendered by her as we remember her Death Anniversary on 25.12.2019. 

Mr. C. Ram Mohan Doss, B.Sc.,D.M.I.T., (1943- 2001)

It is with a deep sense of gratitude that we recall the memories of the life and contributions of Late VIJAYSHREE C. RAM MOHAN DOSS, who passed away on Saturday, 11.03.2001. 

The Management, Staff, and Students of J. Sikile School and College deeply mourn the sudden demise of Mr. C. Ram Mohan Doss, EDP Director, Chennai Port Trust in a tragic road accident on Saturday, 11th March 2001. He was a member of the Board of Trustees, J. Sikile Foundation from its inception. 

Vijayashree C. Ram Mohan Doss, son of late Mr. J. R. Chellap was born on the 11th June 1943 at Cuddalore. He graduated in Physics from the Annamalai University in 1963. 

Thereafter, he secured a D.M.I.T (Instrumentation Technology), a Post Graduate engineering qualification from the Madras Institute of Technology. 


  1. 1967-71 – Instrumentation Engineer at Co-operative Sugar Factory, Moongilthuraipattu, South Arcot Dist., Tamil Nadu. 
  2. 1971-78 – In charge of EDP machine division at Anglo-French Textiles, Pondicherry. He completed a number of Computer Education & Training programs at several reputed organizations like ICL, ICIM, IBM, Wipro, Uptron, Apple Mac, Anna University, M.I.T., etc. 
  3. 1978-2001 – Joined the Madras Port Trust on direct recruitment as a Class I officer and got upgraded at each level and continued as Director-G.I.I.T reporting directly to the Chairman of the Port.


  1. Professional Individual Member. All India Management Associations (M.I.M.A.) 
  2. Member, Institution of Engineers, India, (M.I.E.) 
  3. Associate Member International Institution of Engineers, (A.M.I.I.E). 

Mr. C. Ram Mohan Doss a competent and successful computer professional, a genius in his own field rendered valuable services as Computer Consultant to most of the top ranking schools and colleges in Chennai and in various parts of the country. 

He was an approved and authorized project guide and external examiner for B.Sc., M.Sc., M.C.A., B.E., B.Tech., M.E.M. Tech., M.B.A. with specialization in Computer Science and Management Information Systems, for various leading Universities and Colleges. He was a man with complete generosity, and he had helped a host of poor people in their education and career. 

He was awarded the most prestigious title VIJAY SHREE by the International Friendship Society for enriching human life and outstanding attainments in India and abroad. 

He was instrumental in designing and equipping J. Sikile College computer centre with the most modern computer systems in the year 1989 almost the first of its kind in this area when computer literacy was still in its infancy. He was far-sighted and had the intellectual and emotional strength to deal with any crises. He always extended his helping hand to the needy and deserving. 

Mr. C. Ram Mohan Doss was a very dear family friend of the management and also a strong pillar of support at all times. His determination, drive, a deep sense of commitment, and genuine willingness to share his unique professional skills in setting up computer centres in various schools and Colleges are commendable. He strongly believed that: 

“There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. 

There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. 

There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well.” 

– Walter Reuther 

We are grateful to him for his valuable advice, and thank God for his tireless efforts in contributing to the success of these institutions. We convey our deep-felt condolences to his wife Mrs. Sushil Mohan and his only son Mr. Robin Chellappa, Australia. 

We praise God for his life as a devoted man of God whose work and memory will be a perpetual inspiration for all those who know him and all his associates, friends, and relatives in particular. 

Rev. G.V.S. Suryam (1950-2005)

Served as Member, Board of Trustees, J. Sikile Foundation. His spiritual guidance and constant prayers were a blessing to the school. His Death Anniversary is observed each year on 14th January.

Dr. C. Emmanuel, M.Sc.,M.B.H.D. (Forensic), Ph.D.,Adv. Psy. (USA), (1944-2009)

 Prof. & Dr. C. Emmanuel worked abroad for many years, and he served the School as Management Consultant for the Psycho-Educational Guidance and Counseling Centre. He counseled the students and worked with those experiencing learning difficulties, Psychological, behavioral or health problems, fear complex, stress, and over-dependency leading to poor scholastic performance. 

His educational assessments and resource services for the students were commendable. His reports focused on the cognitive, emotional, and academic strengths, and weaknesses of the individual students, and he submitted to the Administration, the recommendations for educational intervention. 

He enjoyed the challenge of finding the answers to the complex questions of underachievement and organized training and awareness programs so that students develop strong personalities with effective communication and interaction skills. 

Ms. B.J.C. Tilsley, M.A. (Oxford University, London), (1928-2011)

Barbara Joy Crawford Tilsley was an embodiment of love, joy, and hope. Her sacrificial service, courage, and deep faith in God turned many to Christ, and she earned the love and admiration of all who knew her. 

Ms. B.J.C. Tilsley was born on 27th June 1928 at Miraj in Maharashtra. Her parents Mr. Crawford and Ms. Marjorie Tilsley, Grandparents, and five(5) generations of her family served in West Godavari Dist., A.P., India. 

She established Holland Wharf Girls’ Hostel in June 1955 with 24 students, and with the simplicity of purpose, and steadfast perseverance, she has transformed the lives of orphaned, poor girls by providing a home, education, and a future to lead independent successful lives. 

Ms. B.J.C. Tilsley was a member of J. Sikile School Managing Committee since its inception in the year 1983. Her experienced advice and her commitment to impart value-based education are deeply appreciated. 

Ms. B.J.C. Tilsley conducted the first VBS in J. Sikile School in the year 1984 and since then she attended VBS sessions every year until 2010. She seized every opportunity to deliver short exhortations with visual aids so that children can understand, apply and grow into God-fearing and responsible individuals. 

She participated actively in every event of the school. Even towards the end of her remarkable life in her frail condition, she used to telephone and inform her inability to attend committee meetings but always assured her prayers for God’s leading and blessings. 

We thank God for her faithful life of service. David Livingstone as a young man wrote an incredible prayer in his diary. 

“Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me.

Lay any burden on me, only sustain me.

Sever any ties but the tie that binds me to Thy service and to Thy heart”.

We the Board of Trustees of J. Sikile Foundation, and Members of J. Sikile School Managing Committees, continue to cherish the memories of Ms. B.J.C. Tilsley who passed away on 04 July 2011 at the age of 84 years. We express our gratitude for her contribution to the growth and success of the School. 

Mr. T.P. Solomon Raj (1928-2018)

He was born on 05 December 1928 in Annavanapudi Village near Gudivada, Krishna District to Tappita Rajaratnam & Rukmini. He was second of the 5 siblings & graduated from AC College, Guntur. He was a well-known singer, and musician, and played piano & organ. 

He was married to Chadalavada Elsie Premavathi, the youngest daughter of Chadalavada Jonah, renowned Lace Merchant of Narsapur for 54 Years. God blessed their marriage with 4 daughters, 7 Grand Children & 3 Great Grand Children. He was a mentor, guide & inspiration to family & friends. He guided them with Godly wisdom, and love & took a keen interest in their accomplishments & success. 

He died on 11 January 2018 at the age of 90 Years. We thank the Lord for his exemplary life and one to be emulated. We honour his life & legacy. 

  • Chairman of Timpany School for 10 Years 
  • Member of the Selection Board of South Central Railways for 2 Years 
  • Member of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, for selecting Executive Direct Recruits to various Public Sectors. 
  • National Treasurer for Gideons International for 2 Years. 

 The life of Mr. T P Solomon Raj, father of Mrs. Umagrace Sikile, Director, of J Sikile School is a testimony to Gods sovereignty, providence, steadfast love & faithfulness. 

He was passionate about education, which is essential for success in global development and nation-building. Since the inception of J Sikile School, he played a pivotal role in setting the standards of school administration, service rules, employee benefits & expansion plans. He firmly believed that every child should have access to a high-quality education that facilitates an optimized learning environment and encourages students to remain intellectually curious. 

With a career spanning over 40 years starting as a Mine’s Assistant at Singareni Colleries, Kothagudem he eventually retired as Chief of Administration, B H P V, Visakhapatnam. He held many senior administrative, and managerial positions during his long career and strategically led organizations to greater levels of growth and performance. 

Mr. T P Solomon Raj was an avid reader, statesman, and administrator who possessed strategic foresight, enthusiasm, unflinching determination, and optimism regardless of seemingly ominous circumstances. 

He was a fervent advocate of justice, and human dignity, and served on several boards of voluntary organizations. He courageously stood up in defense of fairness for the welfare of the downtrodden and pursued their cause with dedication and determination. He led an exemplary life and set a high standard of work ethics in public sector companies. 

In a career spanning over four decades, he served in various public sector companies and was instrumental in resolving industrial relations issues, earning the respect of his company & the affection of the workers. He was mindful of serving the downtrodden and passionately worked for social justice & equality. He implemented various welfare & savings schemes that gave thousands the opportunity to own a place they can call their home. 

  • The House building projects were built for B H P V employees under the ‘Own your own housing scheme’ with the Financial Assistance of VUDA (Urban Housing Development Authorities) 
  • Arranged for workers to pay in installments and also gave them insurance in the event of their death. 
  • He started welfare schemes for the workers namely Thrift Societywhere each worker was able to get an additional amount of Rs 30,000/-at the time of retirement 
  • He filled up 800 job vacancies of schedule castes and schedule tribes.